
In SolidWorks, the Pattern feature is used to create copies of a feature or a set of features in a regular pattern. There are three types of patterns in SolidWorks: Linear, Circular, and Pattern of Bodies. The Pattern feature is a powerful tool that can save time and effort when designing parts or assemblies.

  • Linear :
  • image

  • Circular :
  • image

  • Skecth Driven :
  • image
    Uses sketch(points) for pattern


    • Time-saving: The Pattern feature can save time and effort when designing parts or assemblies that require repetitive geometry. By creating a pattern of features, you can avoid the need to create each feature individually.
    • Consistency: The Pattern feature ensures that each copy of a feature is identical to the original feature. This can help to ensure that the part or assembly functions as intended.
    • Flexibility: The Pattern feature is highly customizable. You can adjust the spacing, orientation, and number of copies of a feature to suit your needs.
    • Reusability: The Pattern feature can be saved as a feature or a part of a design library. This means that you can reuse the pattern on other parts or assemblies, saving time and effort in future designs.
    • Easy to edit: The Pattern feature is easy to edit. You can modify the spacing, orientation, and number of copies of a feature at any time, and the changes will be automatically applied to all copies of the feature.

    Linear Pattern

    1. Insert
    2. Pattern/Mirror
    3. Linear Pattern
    4. image
    5. select direction 1(edgr or plane) & set distance and no.of instance
    6. select direction 2(edgr or plane) & set distance and no.of instance
    7. select Feature , face or Body

    Circular Pattern

    1. Insert
    2. Pattern/Mirror
    3. Circular Pattern
    4. image
    5. select direction 1(edgr or sketch) & set distance and no.of instance
    6. select Feature , face or Body

    Sketch Driven Pattern

    1. select plane start sketch
    2. place points on required places and exit sketch
    3. Insert
    4. Pattern/Mirror
    5. Sketch Driven Pattern
    6. image
    7. select direction 1(edgr or sketch) & set distance and no.of instance
    8. select Feature , face or Body

    In conclusion, the Pattern feature in SolidWorks is a powerful tool that can save time and effort when designing parts or assemblies that require repetitive geometry. Its advantages include time-saving, consistency, flexibility, reusability, and ease of editing. By using the Pattern feature, designers and engineers can create parts and assemblies quickly and efficiently.